What makes some people more resilient than others?

Eilene Zimmerman, New York Times [10’ read]
What you need to know …
- They have a positive, realistic outlook.
- They have a concern for others and a degree of selflessness.
- They accept what they cannot change and focus energy on what they can change.
- They have a mission, a meaning, a purpose.
- They have a social support system, and they support others.
Breaking the anxiety cycle through kindness
Steven Zanella, TED Talk [18:49′]
What you need to know …
- Breaking habits is very, very hard, but developing new habits, that’s much easier.
- Focus on building a new habit: positive thinking. It will take practice and time.
- Let go of the things that happened in the past. Focus on loving and supporting yourself in the present moment.
- Practice showing love and kindness to yourself and others.
Who Do I Want to Be During the Pandemic?